This is one of the many children whom I would consider family. Those like Michelle, I have had a unique opportunity in watching grow up, continuing to be involved in the New Life Church of Los Guido and consistently remain faithful. Walking in the light of Christ brings hope for their future and encouragement for mine.
Everyone say, "queso!"
These new kids became very close in a matter of minutes. The simple throw of a tennis ball, a picture of themselves on the back of a camera, or simply saying "Hi!". While these things may be "things" to many, it is such that provide a sense of security, love, and friendship for these kids.
"Trash can!" "Dump!" "The nobodies!"
With a population of roughly 40,000 people, half of whom are Nicaragua immigrants, La Carpio receives an estimated 700 tons of waste EVERY DAY. It is a place where no one wants to go. Families and children fight poverty, live a life of hopelessness, and know nothing more than two surrounding sewage filled rivers and a landfill that identify them as such.
Trekking through the roads of La Carpio, we visited multiple houses. As the women from a discipleship group of Los Guido discipled the women in the home I had the opportunity to love and laugh with the children of these homes. Whether I just met a child or have developed a relationship with them over my last four trips to Costa Rica, every smile brings great joy and hope. As we visited the homes we also passed out flyers for a VBS that will take place next week over the course of three days in La Carpio.
Please PRAY for...
The protection and guidance of families and children like those above who fight living in darkness daily.
God to continue to reveal himslef in places like Los Guido, Tejarcillos, and La Carpio. That I would be used as a tool to do such.
The continuing construction of the building at La Finca, which will be used for a feeding center, tutoring center, discipleship rooms, and a gymnasium.
The three VBS events that will take place next week. That many children would come to experience the hope, guidance, and generosity of Christ.
The hearts of the children and families that will visit during the VBS's.
God's faithful hand to remain over and protect myself and the other interns, the missionaries, the leadership team.
My health. That I would continue to remain a healthy and strong abled body in which I can continue serving. Although I'm 100% now I was sick the week before and the week after arriving.