Sunday, September 11, 2011
Back In Costa Rica
After an awesome experience in Nicaragua I have made it back to Costa Rica in one piece with just a few more days until I leave for the States. Nevertheless, when I returned to Costa Rica I hit the ground running after a days rest.
After settliing back in Friday, we did a few things around the mission house to prepare for the garage sale the New Life Church of Los Guido held yesterday (Saturday) at La Finca. There must have been 15 large trash bags full of shoes, clothes, and other miscellaneous items that visiting teams have donated or left behind over the last few months. In addition, there were also 5+ storage bins packed with various items to be sold. Starting at 9:00 a.m., people showed up at 7:30 a.m. to beet the rush and get the best deals they could. After everything was set up we let a limited amount of people in at a time to avoid those anxious shoppers from getting too excited. It reminded me of people in Wal-Mart... the day after Thanksgiving. They rushed in and gathered shoes and clothing items in two arms to disperse to a remote portion of the small building and decide what they actually wanted to purchase. It was a great success and a different garage sale experience than that which I have seen.
Scott and Teresa Wall, a couple visiting from the New Spring Church of South Carolina, also did a fantastic job helping out arounnd the Finca. Scott helped install a permanent pinata system with a pully in the new Multiuse building, while Teresa cut hair for those interested during the garage sale. They both did a great job!
As the day progressed, Bible Club also took place. This time of fellowship amongst the youth consisted of games, a giant slip n' slide, candy, God's Word, a raffle, and a scavenger hunt. All in all it was another busy day in Los Guido.
Today we celebrate the aniversary of the New Life Church of Los Guido. Check back for some pictures!
Friday, September 9, 2011
Nicaragua: Our Last Day In Puerto Cabezas
Today the GO Nicaragua team was able to continue what we started yesterday; digging trenches for what will soon be the walls of a local church here in Puerto Cabezas. This was no easy task because the ground is clay and we struck water only a foot and half down but through the strength of the Holy Spirit and mutual encouragement (and perhaps a little help from hard working locals) we were able to finish our task. We were also able to install lighting and a tarp which is used as a temporary wall.

This trip has been such a blessing to us missionaries being able to serve God and share his love with the people of Puerto Cabezas and Daukra as well as a blessing to the people who we were able to serve. I know that I, as well as everyone else on this trip, consider being able to go on this trip a great privilege. God has watched over us and kept us from sickness and injury. It is with reluctant hearts that we leave Nicaragua in two days because we all wish we could stay and continue the work here. There is still much work that needs to be done at the church here and that’s why we are planning to return here next year! Please be praying for a safe trip home for all of us and for our trip next year.
By: Benson Deluca

Nicaragua:Time to Get Dirty
Today we took a break from running around, playing games, yelling, trying to get 100+ kids to be quite for 5 minutes to listen to the story of David & Goliath, and making balloon animals to do some good old manual labor. At Santiago’s church, we began work on digging to lay a new foundation for an expanded version of the existing church which we will continue to work on tomorrow, installed new wiring and lights inside the church, patched holes in the roof, and installed a new tarp to protect the church from the constant rain. Enjoy some photos thanks to Elisenda Castro.

Nicaragua: One God

Wow… What a way to spend a Sunday here in Nicaragua. The day started off with an early morning breakfast as usual, and after breakfast the team hopped in the back of a pick-up truck and headed to our local pastor’s church (El Buen Pastor), and also the home of our work project for tomorrow. Upon arrival we were greeted by the congregation of the church. As we were worshiping, you could definitely feel the undeniable presence of the Lord in the room.
As the service continued, the children were asked to exit the church where they were met by a couple members of the team, who had prepared a simple craft for them earlier. The craft consisted of a pipe cleaner and four beads. The kids were asked to assemble a cross out of the pipe cleaner and then explain what the cross meant to them. As the service ended were asked to join or local pastor (Santiago) on a visit to his house for lunch.

When lunch ended we hurried back to the hotel, where we grabbed some toys and candy for the VBS (Vacation Bible School) we had planned at another church a couple miles up the road. To our surprise, some children were waiting patiently inside the church for our arrival so we took to the streets to gather more kids, which was a success. As in past VBS’s, we played games, passed out a ton of candy, and each child made a “salvation” bracelet.
Before the night ended we had one more stop on our agenda. While in Daukra we met a local pastor from here in Puerto Cabezas, by the name of Brandon. He had invited us to his church several times, and tonight was our opportunity to visit.

Due to several power outages, the service continued most of the time in candlelight, which was an awesome experience. Today as well as the last couple of days has definitely been an eye opening experience for the team. We have had the opportunity to partner and worship with many churches, each having their own differences, from buildings, worship, even languages. But one message has remained consistent throughout: we all serve, worship, and praise ONE GOD.
By: The Rays
Nicaragua: El Buen Pastor
This morning we had the opportunity to host a VBS at El Buen Pastor, Santiago’s home church, in Puerto Cabezas. On our way there we walked through the local community and gave candy to the kids as an invitation to come to VBS. From talking to some of the families and inviting kids, we felt their strong sense of community. When we arrived, they welcomed us and led worship in Spanish. It was amazing to see how thrilled these kids were just to be at church and to be a part of what we were doing. The children were even so willing to go invite their friends to come to VBS that they actually ran out back into the “barrio” and returned with many friends. During VBS, we had a craft where they learned about Salvation through Jesus Christ and acted out the Bible story of David and Goliath. Our little volunteer from the audience “David” played the roll perfectly, hitting Josh (Goliath) right in the forehead. We all thought that was hilarious; not only bringing laughter throughout the room but also a good reenactment of the story. The rest of the day was spent getting things ready for Sunday School tomorrow, and buying materials for the work project that we will be starting on Monday.
We will have the opportunity to give back a small amount for all that Santiago has done for us, by coming alongside him and helping the continual construction of El Buen Pastor. As of now, the church building is a frame with metal roofing. Despite the conditions of the actual physical church, the church body is abundant and growing in God. Our work project will include various tasks: digging trenches for the new foundation, cocking the holes in the roof, putting up a new tarp serving as a wall, and helping with the electricity.
by: Katie Maria Hade & Aubrey Greenler
Saturday, September 3, 2011
Nicaragua: Back In Puerto Cabezas...Con Fabio
It was a great experience and opportunity to serve a God that goes beyond language barriers and cultural differences as we visited the Caribbean Coast of Nicaragua where the indigenous Moskito people of the Dakura community live.
This morning was an early morning as we left our most recent home in Dakura to return to Puerto Cabezas where we will continue to partner with Pastor Santiago and nearby communities.
After returning to Puerto Cabezas we showered, slept, and ate lunch ready to head back out for a VBS (Vacation Bible School) in the afternoon at a church that Pastor Santiago previously established and lead. What began as passing out a few pieces of candy to invite kids and families quickly grew to dozens upon dozens. During this time we also welcomed the newest member to our team who is a little smaller and hairier than most of us…he goes by the name of Fabio the monkey. Throughout the VBS we played games, shared the gospel through a bracelet illustration, and passed out candy. The VBS was great opportunity for our team to connect with the community, share the love of Jesus Christ, and present the gospel. For many, it is very likely that this was the very first time they may have heard the gospel and the life offered through Jesus Christ. Closing out the night we spent some time in prayer as a team giving thanks to God, ensuring that he received the glory for what took place over the last few days.
Please continue praying…
That God would be satisfied, glorified, and exemplified by ALL of the work that has already been done and will be done.
For the bibles that were passed out in Dakura that have been translated into the Moskito language…that God would be experienced and served because of those bibles being handed out.
For the Word of God to be alive, flourishing, and fruitful in the lives of those who received a bible and that they too be encouraging and challenging disciples in their community.
For the hundreds of kids we have already had the opportunity to meet that their hearts would be prepared for the Word of God despite the living conditions and daily challenges.
For Pastor Santiago and the ministry he is leading and involved in.
For our team health, safety, and unity.
by: Conway Robinson
Nicaragua: Bienvenidos A Dakura
To say the least, these past two days have been incredible! We left the town of Puerto Cabezas for the village of Dakura on Wednesday morning by boat. There were many firsts for all of us within these last few days so I’ll list them quickly and go on to focus on a couple key events of this part of our trip. We rode to Dakura in 20 foot motorboats through 4 foot waves and stinging rain (I was told not to worry if the boat flipped, because sharks didn’t come that close to shore. Google said otherwise) for about an hour and a half. After that we had a hike through a washed out trail and knee high water up to our destination of Dakura. Living here for two days gave us an eye opening first hand experience of true community and allowed us to escape many superfluous first world expectations including running water, flushing toilets, toilets in any real sense, bathing, general hiegene, wearing shoes, electricity, and wifi. Living with and in the same conditions as those in a disconnected indigenous village in a third world country is really the only way to have an understanding of the thousands of things we as wealthy (comparatively) Americans take for granted.
Dakura, Nicaragua is made up of almost 500 indigenous Miskito people, of about 80,000 Miskito spread out through Nicaragua and Honduras. There are 48 families in the village which means each family has about 8 children! We discovered that this village is so disconnected from the rest of Nicaragua and general outside contact that none of the children spoke or understand one word of Spanish, and the only adults who really speak Spanish are fishermen who sail out to sea to work on larger boats for weeks at a time to bring back a catch to feed their families. Often, when there is a storm and no way of catching fish, these people go without eating. For the vast majority, fishing is the only occupation. As we observed from the stilted houses often built out of scrap wood and aluminum sheeting, the hurricanes (like hurricane Felix 3 years ago) that come through every few years off of the carribean wipe this area of nearly everything taller than a blade of grass, leaving these people with almost no traceable physical history.
The main purpose of our coming to this area specifically was to deliver bibles written in Miskito which have previously been unavailable even to the pastors in this community. We were well aware beforehand that being able to read the Word of God in one’s native language allows for people to connect on a much greater level than they ever would reading it in a second language to which they did not relate or even just hearing the words of a preacher claiming that what he said was God’s word. We were not prepared for the response we received when the people of this village learned we were delivering Bibles that they could actually read. If we tried to hand out free Bibles in San Bernardino we would probably have to resort to bribing people to get rid of any. Here, as soon as word spread that we were bringing Bibles, there were families coming from all over the village to get their own Bible. One woman walked 5 miles to receive the last Bible we had brought. This, in addition to all the time we spent with the kids playing games, doing crafts, telling Bible stories, and having a huge spaghetti dinner with all of our neighbors made us wish we could spend more time in this beautiful area.
Thank you from the people of Dakura to all those who bought Bibles at CBC and supported us delivering them!
By: Daniel Pryde
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
By: Emily and Elisenda
After a day and half of traveling, we have safely made it to Puerto Cabezas, Nicaragua.
The things we have seen and already experienced along the way have been eye-opening and we are all eager to see what the Lord will continue to show us in the following days.
In church this past Sunday, Daniel had shared some of the things to be praying for throughout our trip. He asked to pray for safety and health as we travel, to pray that our hearts would be open to whatever the Lord would have us do, and to pray for unity and peace within our team as we set out to bring the good news of Christ. It has been amazing to see the ways in which the Lord has answered each one of these prayers over the past few days.
Upon entering Nicaragua, we have seen many things that have helped open our hearts to where God wants us to move and show His love. We met with Pastor Santiago and he introduced our team to a part of the city of Puerta Cabezas. We are eager to work along side him, as he has a heart for God and others he encounters. As we have prepared to leave for Dakura, Nicaragua tomorrow morning, we have been blessed with opportunities to bond with each other. Because of this unity the Lord has given our team, we are all the more excited to set out on this adventure together in Christ, and share God’s love with the Miskitu people.
Please continue to pray for a safe arrival, stay, and departure from Dakura, as this will be the most challenging part of our mission trip. Continue to pray for good health, strength, and endurance as we grow in our relationships with God, our team, and others.
Thank you for supporting us!!!
Monday, August 22, 2011
La Finca!
Saturday, August 20, 2011
Whether we are faced with poverty or granted success...Whether we are seeking an answer to the many questions and curiosities of life or oddly resting comfortably with the confidence in those we have already obtained ourselves...Whether faced with a situation that requires immediate action or one we flee from...
Where do you, I, we start? Do we start with OURSELVES by turning to selfish desires, addiction, gossip, anxiety, "planning", obtaining more things, worshipping other gods OR do we start with GOD in PRAYER? Can we find the power and effectiveness of PRAYER or are we so satisfied with containing its ability to that which only our mind can understand, our heart can desire, and our hands can build. Do we know the power of prayer or is it something we can control, manipulate, and influence for a favored outcome?
Comfortable in life style, a dedicated leader, wise and powerful...Nehemiah was faced with distress upon returning to Jerusalem. When rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem, he was faced with great opposition...his response was PRAYER. "When I heard these things, I sat down and wept. For some days I mourned and fasted and prayed before the God of heaven" (Neh. 1:4). Nehemiah recognized God's holiness and the power in PRAYER, confessed his short comings, and asked for guidance. The result...a heart prepared to allow God to accomplish great things through Nehemiah.
"My soul is overwhelmed and sorrowful to the point of death...Father, if it is at all possible, may this cup be taken from me. Not as I will, but as you will" (Matt. 26: 38-39). Jesus Christ the Son of God was burdened, He was hurt, He was seeking relief from a specific situation...His response was PRAYER. "He fell with his face to the ground and prayed..." (Matt. 26 :39). What a powerful example of PRAYER that Jesus Christ found it noteworthy, to say the least, to begin with PRAYER.
Walking around an empty piece of land praying one year, with hope and vision for something to be built the next year, plans and blueprints being developed another year. The following year...a building stood overlooking the once empty land of the New Life Church of Los Guido, also known as La Finca. A multiuse building that has already begun to be used as a tool to share the love of Christ and Word of God with kids, families, moms and dads. It's a place of hope, acceptance, and peace through Jesus Christ. The power of prayer couldn't be more tangible than this.
May we understand the power of PRAYER, through Jesus Christ, it was intended to have and not only that which we make it out to be. PRAYER is a powerful tool waiting to be harnessed! PRAYER prepares our hearts! And PRAYER displays the glory of God in and through our lives!
"The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective" (Jas. 5:16). AND "What nation [sinner, person, individual] is so great as to have their gods near them the way the Lord our God is near us whenever we PRAY to him?" (Dt . 4:7)
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Work At La Finca Continues
The most recent team of 31 from Compass Church began the beginning phases of what is to soon be the entry way onto La Finca. Over the last few days myself, Kristen, and Bethany (an intern and full-time missionary) have had the opportunity to contribute to the progress that is taking place. Having been transformed and prepared, we set out today to make a lot of concrete, with hands and shovels, hoping for it to be completed shortly. As you can tell the first portion of the driveway is completed and we just started the next section this week. Check back for some more pictures of the process of this project as well as upcoming posts.
Saturday, August 6, 2011
Weekly Ministry and New Experiences

Between Monday, August 1st to Sunday, August 7th, my home church (Community Bible Church) is hosting a giveaway via my blog. A prize (“The Hole in Our Gospel” by World Vision CEO Richard Stearns and a bundle of worship CD’s) will be given to a winner randomly chosen from the comments below (Facebook comments will not count). The winner will be announced via CBC’s Facebook and this blog…so be sure to check back!
Participants can comment as often as they’d like, can be anywhere around the world, and are welcome to spread the word to their friends. Be sure to comment with your first AND last name so the prize makes it to the correct person. A winner will be announced on Sunday, August 7th at 7 P.M. PST.
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
For WHOM and For WHAT Are You A Missionary?
"Missions are at the heart of what it means to be a Christian. Spreading the Gospel is not something consigned to just a few missionaries in far away lands or by paid church staff reaching out to a local community. Every Christian is a missionary. Every Christian, no matter what age, what career path, or how busy, is responsible for making disciples, serving those in need, and act as the living representatives of Jesus Christ on earth." Jon Keck
Theology 21 and its authors attempt to wrestle with controversial and interesting topics in today's world. For them this idea of theology has become the constant "pursuit and attempt to meet and understand God". This last week I was asked to answer three questions in which some of you following this blog may find interseting...
1) Tell us a little a bit about your story before God called you and where He has taken you since you gave your life to Christ?
2) When and How did God call you to Costa Rica?
3) What has God done in, through, and around you while serving the Gospel and people of La Finca?
Check out the article "Why No Matter Who You Are, You Are A Missionary" for my response.
Between Monday, August 1st to Sunday, August 7th, my home church (Community Bible Church) is hosting a giveaway via my blog. A prize (“The Hole in Our Gospel” by World Vision CEO Richard Stearns and a bundle of worship CD’s) will be given to a winner randomly chosen from the comments below (Facebook comments will not count). The winner will be announced via CBC’s Facebook and this blog…so be sure to check back!
Participants can comment as often as they’d like, can be anywhere around the world, and are welcome to spread the word to their friends. Be sure to comment with your first AND last name so the prize makes it to the correct person. A winner will be announced on Sunday, August 7th at 7 P.M. PST.
The Month of August
Each week God continues to use the ministry and it's leaders of the New Life Church to reach, serve, and love those who are at the heart of Jesus Christ.
God continues to use teams in mighty ways as they generously, obediently, and joyfully serve God and the people of Costa Rica.
We just finished up "The Month of the Future" and move into August which is, "The Month of Fruit, More Fruit, and Much Fruit. I'm looking forward to this series as we look at some challenging ideas, such as the difference between a Christian and a Disciple.
Arriving yesterday was the Compass Church Team of 31 from Naperville, Illinois. Serving alonside this team, we have the opportunity today, to start some work projects and continue throughout the week with the weekly prayer service, an ALL church dinner, Kids Club, and other community outreach events. Please be praying for the ministry and the hearts of this team, as well as those we will see during the week, that the Compass Church is visiting. Please be praying that hearts would be vulnerable to the very hand of God in our lives and the lives of those around us.
Between Monday, August 1st to Sunday, August 7th, my home church (Community Bible Church) is hosting a giveaway via my blog. A prize (“The Hole in Our Gospel” by World Vision CEO Richard Stearns and a bundle of worship CD’s) will be given to a winner randomly chosen from the comments below (Facebook comments will not count). The winner will be announced via CBC’s Facebook and this blog…so be sure to check back!
Participants can comment as often as they’d like, can be anywhere around the world, and are welcome to spread the word to their friends. Be sure to comment with your first AND last name so the prize makes it to the correct person. A winner will be announced on Sunday, August 7th at 7 P.M. PST.
Sunday, July 31, 2011
Throughout The Week

Many months ago, the Lord placed a desire on the hearts of many families within the West Jackson Baptist Church family to support the ministry here in Costa Rica by generously purchasing school uniforms for many kids varying in age. For many this small gift, along with other school supplies, is often a road block for a kid to be successful in the education system...the cost of going to school often prevents many of them from having the opportunity for any type of education. As the West Jackson team visited some of the kids who received uniforms, it was a small gift with a much greater impact, meeting both a tangible and an eternal need by sharing the gift of Christ's love. During this time, God used us to share the Gospel through the Bridge Illustration, which is used as a tool to draw some of these kids and families into what may be the only light visible in these areas...the light of life in Christ.
Another awesome opportunity for both the ministry of the New Life Church and the visiting West Jackson team was the medical clinic. You can read the previous blog for some pictures and updates...God continues to use the visiting teams and the gifts which they have been given to reach the local communities of Costa Rica. It has been great to witness the glory of God being revealed at La Finca through the many ways in which God chooses to work.
Kids Club is always a blast! It's great to see the fruit from years past birth in the older youth leading and teaching during the Kids Club, as well as the younger kids who return week after week seeking peace, joy, and comfort at La Finca through the Word of God. God's glory is definitely being revealed here as He works tangibly in the lives of those indivduals over the years and bears much fruit in the ministry of the New Life Church of Los Guido.
Make sure to check back for updates, prayer requests, pictures, and much more. I'm looking forward to some of the upcoming blogs and posts. Feel free to leave comments or questions.
Between Monday, August 1st to Sunday, August 7th, my home church (Community Bible Church) is hosting a giveaway via my blog. A prize (“The Hole in Our Gospel” by World Vision CEO Richard Stearns and a bundle of worship CD’s) will be given to a winner randomly chosen from the comments below (Facebook comments will not count). The winner will be announced via CBC’s Facebook and this blog…so be sure to check back!
Participants can comment as often as they’d like, can be anywhere around the world, and are welcome to spread the word to their friends. Be sure to comment with your first AND last name so the prize makes it to the correct person. A winner will be announced on Sunday, August 7th at 7 P.M. PST.
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Medical Clinic and Prayer Service

Sunday, July 24, 2011
Once a Kid...Always A Kid!
Check out the pictures below of some of the ministry that took place throughout the week. Also, be sure look for upcoming posts as I hope to challenge and be challenged with discussion on various topics.
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
Radical Service and Relationship
Jon Keck, writer for Theology 21: Renovating Theology For A New Generation in "How Are We To Spread the Good News? Bible Thumping, Thermometers, and Radical Service", asks himself the question HOW?...How the individual should share the gospel that is. Click on the link above to read the full article as he looks at this question in his own life and consideres WHO the missionaries are through the eyes of Christ.
Monday, July 18, 2011
come see what_I_ have done and_WE_have accomplished
Often anchored to success and accomplishment, a few meaningless letters can be composed to establish those words which acquire a much more meaningful existence. Such words are often on the receiving end of any merit, fame, and honor that is to be given. Paul speaks of this in Romans when he says, "For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him..." (1:21). Where then does God lie in the midst of such a battle over the longing heart and self-driven mind? Where does God stand in the midst of I, WE, and YOU? My prayer is that He doesn't merely stand in the midst of I, WE, and YOU...but rather is the I, WE, and YOU. I would challenge you to wrestle with this idea daily and ask yourself, "Who becomes more famous in my life?"
Is it the I, WE, and YOU that creates our god... or is it our God that creates the I, WE, and YOU? Who then receives the glory?
As WE are challened by the day and glorified by the hour, let us take advantage of the opportunity we are given by the minute and redirect ALL praise, honor, and glorification not to oursleves temporarily, but to God eternally so that, "men praise God for our obedience that accompanies our confession of the gospel of Christ" and that our service would "overflow in many expressions of thanks to God" (2 Corinthians 12,13).
Make sure to check out the post below to read about some of the weekly ministry and events that took place last week...
The Week Comes To An End
The last two weeks consisted of full blown Vacation Bible School (VBS) with the East Hill Christian School. Last week concluded a three day series of VBS in La Carpio. Over these three days, there were roughly 450 kids and 100 moms that attended and were exposed to the Word of God through love, scripture, and various dramas put on by the visiting team, as well as the youth leadership team. The group above was only one of four groups that visited that day. Long term fruit is our prayer!
Sunday service was great as we continue to look at the future and lead into the present, given what we we know about the past and the future. Sunday is also a great time to visit with families and play with long-time friends. I met Anita and Sumey last December during a VBS. It's great to see them continue to go to church and be discipled at such a young age.
Last Monday, I had the opportunity to go with the two choir teams from the New Life Church of Los Guido to Parque Diversiones. This theme park serves as a "Six Flags Wannabe", yet is a ton of fun and a huge reward to these kids for their hard work and commitment to serving in the church.
Friday was a great time! On Friday, the New Life Church of Los Guido held a Men's BBQ...however we couldn't just eat...we had to play broomball as well. We ate some great food and enjoyed being kids. Team Jovenes (youth in spanish) ranged in age from 23 (myself) to 60. Team Ninos (kids in spanish) ranged from 15-22. Us "Jovenes" claimed victory with a score of 10-5!
Every Saturday is Kid's Club. With or without rain...the fun must go on! And it does! It is events like these in which the New Life Church of Los Guido sets out to teach the Gospel to kids at a very young age in a way that is fun, enjoyable, and impactful.