Vacation Bible School In Tejarcillos, Los Guido, and La Carpio

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

From One VBS To The Next

Last week, we concluded a three day series of VBS in Tejarcillos and Los Guido. Today, we set out to La Carpio for our last series of VBS. Below are some pictures of VBS in Los Guido.

One of the popular stages of a VBS is games. It is the uniqueness and creativeness of some of these games, that make it dirty, fun, and hilarious. During this game, the two groups eat marshmallows off of the peanut butter covered face of one of their fellow teammates. Definitely a fun game!

The VBS's bring in many kids and tons of new faces. Karla, on my left, is well known at La Finca and brings much energy to those around her. Junita, on my right, is a newer member to La Finca. It's my prayer that the little faces like these two precious girls are drawn to La Finca with an eagerness to learn about God, understand who He is, and share it with others.

Another stage of the VBS is crafts. After the craft, the kids learn, memorize, and repeat Scripture. For this, they are given a small prize. This small prize and the encouragement they get is often never found in the home by a parent or any other family member. It is a goal of the ministry to support those kids when they learn what others tell them they're not capable of doing.

Bible History is a high energy and fun time as the kids learn various Bible stories. It is very interactive and allows the kids to share what they think, rather to be told what they think.

Brittany is another little girl from a VBS. These kids spot out who they want to be with and cling to you like no other. They are encouraging and fun...I'm challenged daily by these kids!


  1. Such fun photos!!!

  2. This is very interesting! Do the children speak English? or do they have an interrupter at the Bible studies? Also, are the parents cooperative with you, to why you are over their??


    when a nice gringo or group of us show up, those lil kids are like snipers in the field - they got their target on lock and it's just a matter of time before they pull the trigger and run up to you and lock on for the rest of the day (and trip!) - oh I LOVE LOVE LOVE it!! Dayan's little sisters, Hilary and Tiffany, were my "barnacles" on the first trip and have remained so every year since! I love them - so precious!

    now we know why children and the attitude of children toward God are so precious to the Father, and why they were so attracted to our King and savior when he walked this earth....

    great post as usual bud

    -mikey mike

    great snaps Conway.

  4. Such cute little kids

  5. That game seems fun and sticky lol :) its so amazing to see how much the kids love you! Keep up the good work! ~Landis, Sakiah, & Cam

  6. Great stuff man! I will be posting an article on you tomorrow FYI. Keep up the crazy good work!

  7. its so awesome to see all the things happening in costa rica!!! God is doing big and mighty things down there through you my friend!!! proud of you...and like jon said...keep up the crazy good work!!! love you friend!!!

  8. Conway,

    Man i am loving these picture of allthe cute kids and stuff. Keep it all comeing. We are praying for you all the time man.

  9. Anonymous...the parents are almost always open to what is taking place however there are some who make it difficult for their kid to be involved in anything...ministry, school, and many other things.Spanish is the primary language so that's how the communication takes place. Some of the kids can understand a basic level of English though. The discipleship groups are lead by the youth in the church, so their isn't a language barrier there.

  10. Mike, great observation! You know how the kids are...they find the one and are attached to their every move.

  11. Landis, Sakiah, and Cam
    This was the first time I saw this game played. After all of the marshmallows are gone, the persons team members all lick the peanut butter of their face. It is very messy and sticky, however quite hilarious to watch.

  12. Jon, sounds great! Thanks for the encouragement and for checking out the blog. I look forward to reading your blog.

  13. Lanaya, thanks for the compliment however it's not me doing anything. How great it is that we serve such an awesome and faithful God.

  14. Justin, I'm glad you are enjoying the pictures and reading the blog. There is alot more to come so be sure to check back often. Thanks for the prayer.
