It was during his freshman year at Cal State San Bernardino that Conway started attending CBC. We were in the middle of launching our fall season of Community Groups and I asked Conway to join the one at my house. I can remember this kid knocking on my front door to attend group for the first time, but I would have never known that God had such great plans for his life.
If you would have asked me four years ago, I would have in no way thought that I’d be visiting Conway while he was serving as a missionary in a foreign country. Yet, here I am in Costa Rica witnessing first hand what God can do through someone who answers His call to GO. Just weeks before leaving for Costa Rica Conway shared his testimony with our church family and I was reminded of the beautiful and redemptive work of Jesus Christ. Our God is greater than any circumstance, condition, or situation; and He is greater than any sin, struggle, or burden. He lifts up those who have been defeated. He protects those who are weak, weary, and frail. He gives refuge to the hurting and kindness to the broken. He makes all things new…perfect in His sight. He redeems our lost and dying souls; and he redeems them for a purpose… that what started in Christ would continue in us. Wow! That overwhelms me every single time. To think, that what started in Jesus Christ, the one and only Son of God, continues in YOU and me…and Conway. Christ is now making His appeal to the world through US! (2 Corinthians 5:16-21).

I flew into San Jose International Airport at 12 noon on Wednesday. By 2 P.M. we were in the car getting some shopping done for gift bags that Conway is putting together for the Student Leadership Team. This team is a group of young people that, in essence, are running (with the oversight of the Pastors and missionaries) the churches and discipleship groups in Los Guido, Tejarcillos, and La Carpio. I’ve been witnessing first hand the special place these kids have in Conway’s heart and this morning (Sunday) he is throwing them a party to thank them for their willingness to serve the Kingdom of Christ. So far, the party plans include a giant Elmo piñata, gift bags full of candy and toys, lunch, and some fun games. You’re gonna want to check out the blog on Sunday night…I am sure Conway will post some pictures.
Santiago, a pastor from an indigenous region of Nicaragua, has been staying here at the Mission House. Last night, Conway and I had the opportunity to speak with him about his community and church. God is moving in incredible ways in some of the most remote places in South America. Conway and I anticipate visiting Santiago later this year, with a hope that a partnership can be formed with his people. I am told that a plane, boat, horse, and kayak are needed to travel throughout the region. This will be an adventure!
Besides party planning and dreaming up places for CBC to GO next, we’ve been busy painting the Mission House and participating in the weekly ministries and programs. I’ll leave that stuff up to Conway, as I am sure he is going to tell you all about it in upcoming posts. I do however want to tell you this: these kids LOVE Conway! They literally run to him when we get out of the car…no seriously, he has a following of little girls; basically, a fan club. They call him Cone-way. Haha. It’s great! You know, you don’t have to speak Spanish to let someone know you care. You don’t have to be educated or skilled to be used by God. You just have to be willing; willing to answer His call to give yourself away…to GO.

It’s my prayer that CBC will be known as a body of believers that responds to the call of Christ; a body of believers who is constantly dispensing that which we have been given. We must love because we’ve been loved. We must forgive because we’ve been forgiven. And we must spread the message of redemption to the ends of the earth, because Christ first redeemed our lost and dying souls!
Conway has truly become one of my closest friends. Really, he is more like a brother…part of the family. I would like to think that I’ve had some role in the Godly man that he’s become, but in all reality it is he who has helped shape me into a better friend and pastor. It’s been a serious blessing to see Conway respond to the call of Christ; allowing God to use him in so many incredible ways.
Well, this is already twice as long as I planned and I need to leave for La Finca…we have some piñata stuffing to do! Check back soon...
Conway has truly become one of my closest friends. Really, he is more like a brother…part of the family. I would like to think that I’ve had some role in the Godly man that he’s become, but in all reality it is he who has helped shape me into a better friend and pastor. It’s been a serious blessing to see Conway respond to the call of Christ; allowing God to use him in so many incredible ways.
Well, this is already twice as long as I planned and I need to leave for La Finca…we have some piñata stuffing to do! Check back soon...
Tears...streaming down my cheeks at this post... (I could have sworn I had those annoyingly-unmanly ducts rerouted to remove the possibility!!!) AAAH! :@ hahahaaa
ReplyDeleteOK all lardi-esque dramatizations aside, I am truly blown away by your togetherness and partnership in the mission. What a dream team we have with Jesus Christ fueling our purposes, jobs, and friends/relationships!
Josh and Conway, you are each examples of a life lived out as completely His - I cannot envision this church family coming to own the mission and being primed for more were our leaders not this sacrificially responsive.
Eternally grateful for His influence and yours in my life... can't wait to see how the party turns out with the leadership team. YEA PAR-TAAAY... WOO-HOOO!!!! :-) :-)
Wow. Great post.
ReplyDeleteSeriously, Josh. This was well said. Glad that you got a chance to visit Conway.
ReplyDeleteThis is fantastic absolutely fantastic. God is so good and the way he changes lives so he can use lives is something that is so good about him. I am excited to see these photos from todays party with the youth kids and leaders.
ReplyDeletePRICELESS, COMPLETELY PRICELESS are the works and things that Conway is doing in Costa Rica. God can use all of us. That's the way he wants things done. Through us. Well said, Josh!
ReplyDeleteTHESE PICS ARE SO CUTE! Nicaragua!!!!! I want to go to Nicaragua. When is this happening??? 2010? 2011?!!!! Joshua, this was a great blog and you can clearly sense your love for Conway and your heart to see him follow Christ in all things lived. YOU HAVE had an impact I am sure. We are Lucky to have you leading us..
ReplyDeleteI now feel guilt for not going on a trip. Thanks JOSH. Hehe. Actually that was a challenge to me. so really thanks
ReplyDeleteJosh, you need to write a book...
ReplyDeleteJosh-izle I 2nd Nick. Write a book. I might have just cried yo. Conway is the man. Thanks Josh for building into us guys. Conway you impres me and encourag me a lot
ReplyDeleteWell written sir and shows the amazing power that Christ can do in a life from a simple invitation to join a community group
ReplyDeleteJosh, WOW is right. What a calling we have. Bless you for your guidance, leadership ad encrouagemnet for our church. I repeat all of the above.
ReplyDeleteThis is very well written. Josh, thank you for your leadership and for all of the things you've gotten our church involved in down in CR. I WANT TO GO TO NICARAGUA TOO!!! What a fantastic opportunity God has presented you with. Again, thanks to you for your leadership and service. Conway is blessed to have some like you in his life as I know you are bleseed to have a Conway in your life.
ReplyDeleteJosh I love your post! you are so amazing in so many ways; your such a blessing to us! Im so thankful for everything you do :) I want you to know you have been such a great rolemodel for cameron and i know he doesn't tell you enough how thankful he is to have you in his life but he tells me all the time that you have been a big part of his life and he is so blessed to have you as a friend! I can see you taking Conway i mean cone-way lol under your wing and being a brother and great rolemodel for him, as you have been for cameron over the years. It melts my heart to see how God uses you in so many ways and I just want to say thanks! I pray for
ReplyDeleteyou often :) oh and you can tell from all the pictures that the kids love Conway; who doesn't love him he has such a big heart and is an amazing man of God! Well im looking forward to seeing pictures from the party so take good ones :) love you guys~ Landis
Wow i must be so tired I just realized this was last august's post lol I feel stupid it makes since now that I think about it I didn't think josh was going out there lol well either way I ment what I said and I guess I can go look at the pictures now lol wow sorry if I confused you. Im now going to bed :) -Landis
ReplyDeletep.s it would be great if we didn't tell anyone about this blond moment lol