Vacation Bible School In Tejarcillos, Los Guido, and La Carpio

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Prayer Requests

On Sunday, June 19, CBC ( will “send me off” by asking me some questions and praying over the ministry. If you can make it, I’d love to see you there.

Prayer Requests::

Please PRAY for energy and perseverance over the next few days. On top of work, fundraising, and preparing to leave, I am studying hard for my EMT certification test that will take place this Friday.

Please PRAY with me as I ask God to prepare the hearts of the people I will come in contact with this summer.

Please PRAY that my financial support continues to come in. My friends, family, and church have been beyond generous, and I am thankful for that!

Please PRAY for my safety as I travel to Costa Rica.

Above all else, please PRAY that I would allow God to use me in incredible ways. That I would be His tool throughout the summer and that through Christ in me many more will hear the Good News of Jesus Christ!


  1. Conway, what a privilege it was to have shared the stage with you in prayer and anticipation of all that our Great God will accomplish for his glory in the cities of Costa Rica where His people are and where you go with Him.

    THANK YOU for inspiring us back home to get out and follow Christ into the dark and the dangerous places that are waiting for his light of salvation. We love you!!! (and are checking in on you often!)


  2. Mike, it has been an equally valued experience serving with you in Costa Rica and taking it home and putting it into action around CBC. I'm excited for the next three months.
